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  LAX VOX  is a vocal therapy technique that can help improve voice quality, relaxation, and overall vocal health. It involves using a unique tube to create  bubbling sounds  while phonating.  Here are the steps for practising LAX VOX: Relax and Focus on Posture and Breathing : Maintain a good posture with a long spine. Relax your face, neck, upper back, and chest muscles, allowing them to release toward gravity. Preparing for Bubbling with Phonation : Place a  silicone tube  (about 35 cm long and 9-12 mm in diameter) between or in front of your incisor teeth and above your tongue. Keep your tongue relaxed (imagine it as a piece of steak) and slightly touch the tube. Hold the water-filled bottle near your body to avoid using shoulder muscles. Inhale through your nose as if you’re yawning with your mouth closed. Prepare for phonation during exhalation, focusing on abdominal and lower back muscles. Finding the Target Voice : Create bubbling sounds with your voice: //hhhooooo// (both sh