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Showing posts from August, 2020

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Is a Cholesteatoma Life-Threatening?

 A cholesteatoma can be dangerous to your health if left untreated. This abnormal skin growth behind the eardrum can lead to serious complications by damaging crucial structures in the ear. Here’s what you need to know:   Potential Complications:   Facial Nerve Damage: This can lead to facial palsy. Hearing Bones Damage: This may cause deafness and tinnitus. Balance System Damage: This can result in dizziness or total loss of balance and hearing in that ear (known as a dead ear). Brain Risks: The bony barrier between the ear and brain can wear away, increasing the risk of severe infections. Infection Risks: Mastoiditis: Infection spreading into the mastoid bone. Brain Abscess or Meningitis: Infections spreading into the brain. Blood Vessel Blockage: Infection in the mastoid bone can block the main blood vessel, draining blood from the brain. Treatment:   Surgical Removal: Nearly always recommended to prevent these dangerous complications. If you suspect you

Cough in Children

                                      What causes a cough in children? Coughing is a protective reflex of the body due to irritation of the airway. If the cough lasts more than 4-8 weeks or if after four weeks the cough is becoming worse, then it can be worrying. A persistent cough can affect the quality of the life of a child, including, schooling, sleep and appetite. Common causes of persistent cough could be allergy/hay fever, postnasal drip, large tonsil, gastro-oesophageal reflux or asthma. Rare causes include foreign body inhalation or psychogenic. Evolving evidence is dry cough on its own is rarely a symptom of asthma.  What are two essential things to understand about chronic cough in a child? Causes of chronic cough are different from adults  Management of chough in children if different from adults and parents and clinician need to understand this. What should I write down when we make an appointment for my child with ENT? It is important to note, when did the cough start?

Is Ear Wax Removal Safe?

  What is ear wax? The ear canal has two zones, outer ear canal lined by skin having hair and sweat glands and inner ear canal containing only skin covering bone next to eardrum. Earwax, medically known as cerumen, is a mixture of sweat, secretions from the sebaceous gland and dead cells. Therefore, the amount of secretions you have in your ear wax can be of two major types, wet ear wax and dry ear wax. Why do some people have more ear wax problems/ build-up? The first thing to know is everyone makes wax, and some naturally more and some less. Secondly, the shape of the ear canal can predispose you to have more earwax problems. You may have a hairy ear canal or narrow ear canal, which can trap more than the usual amount of ear wax you produce. Thirdly, if produce ear wax which gets stuck to the ear canal, it becomes difficult to fall out. Some people may push ear wax in if they are using insert headphones, i.e. earpods, earplugs for noise reduction or swimming/hearing aids. What are th