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Showing posts from September, 2019

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Is a Cholesteatoma Life-Threatening?

 A cholesteatoma can be dangerous to your health if left untreated. This abnormal skin growth behind the eardrum can lead to serious complications by damaging crucial structures in the ear. Here’s what you need to know:   Potential Complications:   Facial Nerve Damage: This can lead to facial palsy. Hearing Bones Damage: This may cause deafness and tinnitus. Balance System Damage: This can result in dizziness or total loss of balance and hearing in that ear (known as a dead ear). Brain Risks: The bony barrier between the ear and brain can wear away, increasing the risk of severe infections. Infection Risks: Mastoiditis: Infection spreading into the mastoid bone. Brain Abscess or Meningitis: Infections spreading into the brain. Blood Vessel Blockage: Infection in the mastoid bone can block the main blood vessel, draining blood from the brain. Treatment:   Surgical Removal: Nearly always recommended to prevent these dangerous complications. If you suspect you

Tongue Tie

What is tongue-tie or ankyloglossia? Tongue-tie is a condition present in 5%-10% of newborn babies at birth. In this, a band of tissue called frenulum is shorter than usual. This leads to in some babies tip of the tongue is more attached to the floor of the mouth. When is tongue-tie a problem? When a baby is breastfeeding he or she has to catch on to the nipple and cover the gums to avoid trauma to the nipple. If a baby has tongue-tie, it may take longer to feed, leaving them hungry and unsettled. This can also lead to sore nipples. Is tongue-tie hereditary? Tongue-tie can run in families and is more common in boys. Do we need to treat all tongue-tie? Not all tongue tie cases need treatment — most of the babies' tongue-tie stretch with time. In babies, if there are feeding and breastfeeding problem, leading to growth delay, surgery may be required. In younger babies, it can be done with or without local anaesthesia. In older children, it can lead to speech