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Showing posts from November, 2019

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Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS)

🔍 Unlocking the Mystery of Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS) 🌀✨ It's a rare condition that affects the inner ear, and here's the lowdown:   Cause: SCDS occurs when one of the bony canals in the inner ear, particularly the uppermost semicircular canal, doesn't close or thicken properly during fetal development.   Symptoms:   Hearing Loss: It's a common symptom of SCDS. Sound Distortion: Ever feel like sounds aren't quite right? That could be SCDS at play. Balance Problems: SCDS can throw your balance off, making you feel unsteady. Autophony: Imagine hearing your own heartbeat or breathing louder than usual. That's autophony. World Tumbling Sensation: Loud noises or pressure changes might make you feel like the world is spinning. Diagnosis and Treatment:   CT Scans: A specialist might use these to spot SCDS, but other tests are crucial too. Hearing Tests: Essential for accurate diagnosis. Treatment: Surgery may be necessary for severe symptoms.

Why do I get nose bleeds?

What is nose bleed or epistaxis? Inside of the nose is lined by mucosa which is very rich in blood vessels. One of the main functions of the nose is to humidify the air we breathe in and out.  Humidication is naturally achieved by mucous cells lining the nose. Blood vessels can become weak due to dryness, high pressure behind the vessels or hormonal changes. What are different kinds of nose bleeds? In simple terms, one can have an anterior nose bleed or posterior nose bleed. Anterior nose bleed is when most of the blood comes out through the nostril and some you spit out. Posterior nose bleed is when you spit most of the blood and little comes out through nostril. Why do children have nose bleeds? It is very common for children between 2 to 10 to have nose bleeds. Dry weather during summers and dry air indoors during winters due to heating tends to dry nasal mucosa. Dry nasal mucosa, in turns, makes it itchy for children to rub their nose and lead to nos