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Showing posts from July, 2019

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Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS)

🔍 Unlocking the Mystery of Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS) 🌀✨ It's a rare condition that affects the inner ear, and here's the lowdown:   Cause: SCDS occurs when one of the bony canals in the inner ear, particularly the uppermost semicircular canal, doesn't close or thicken properly during fetal development.   Symptoms:   Hearing Loss: It's a common symptom of SCDS. Sound Distortion: Ever feel like sounds aren't quite right? That could be SCDS at play. Balance Problems: SCDS can throw your balance off, making you feel unsteady. Autophony: Imagine hearing your own heartbeat or breathing louder than usual. That's autophony. World Tumbling Sensation: Loud noises or pressure changes might make you feel like the world is spinning. Diagnosis and Treatment:   CT Scans: A specialist might use these to spot SCDS, but other tests are crucial too. Hearing Tests: Essential for accurate diagnosis. Treatment: Surgery may be necessary for severe symptoms.

Nasal Bone Fracture / Broken Nose

What to look for when you have a broken nose? The nose is made of two parts solid nasal bones in upper third and lower two third of cartilage. Trauma to the nose due to a road traffic accident, fall, contact sports, or fight can cause fracture of the nasal bone. What symptoms to look for when you have a broken nose? Swelling of the nose- swelling and bruising on the nose should settle down in 3-5 days. If the swelling stays longer than this seek advice from the doctor. Bruising under the eyes will settle in a week. If there is a blurring of vision, you need to attend A&E. Nose bleed and or clear discharge from the nose - Trauma to face can cause a nose bleed. If the nose bleed does not stop by using an ice pack on the forehead or you have a clear watery discharge from the nose, then you should attend A&E. These could be a sign of head injury. Difficulty in breathing through the nose can be due to swelling inside the nose or blood collection under the lining

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss

Why is it essential to identify Sudden hearing loss? Treatment of sudden hearing loss due to inner ear infection is a medical emergency. Sudden hearing loss could be due to simple cause due to wax in the ear canal or inner ear infection. If the treatment of inner ear infection is delayed by more than 7days, it can lead to permanent hearing loss. 10-20 people every 100,000 per year can get sudden sensorineural hearing loss.   How do I know that it is a sudden sensorineural hearing loss? It is straightforward to test by humming test. If you suspect your hearing is down in one ear. Humming "aa" and "ee" can help. If you hear, sound louder in the ear you feel deaf then the chances are you have conductive hearing loss due to wax or glue ear. If the sound is louder in the better ear, then chances are you have sensorineural hearing loss, and you need to see a doctor urgently. Example, you had flu for a few days, and suddenly you feel that hearing is