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Showing posts from May, 2019

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Is a Cholesteatoma Life-Threatening?

 A cholesteatoma can be dangerous to your health if left untreated. This abnormal skin growth behind the eardrum can lead to serious complications by damaging crucial structures in the ear. Here’s what you need to know:   Potential Complications:   Facial Nerve Damage: This can lead to facial palsy. Hearing Bones Damage: This may cause deafness and tinnitus. Balance System Damage: This can result in dizziness or total loss of balance and hearing in that ear (known as a dead ear). Brain Risks: The bony barrier between the ear and brain can wear away, increasing the risk of severe infections. Infection Risks: Mastoiditis: Infection spreading into the mastoid bone. Brain Abscess or Meningitis: Infections spreading into the brain. Blood Vessel Blockage: Infection in the mastoid bone can block the main blood vessel, draining blood from the brain. Treatment:   Surgical Removal: Nearly always recommended to prevent these dangerous complications. If you suspect you

Tonsil Stones or Tonsilloliths

Where do Tonsil Stones come from? Tonsil stones or tonsillolith are formed in the tiny crevices on the tonsil surface. Tonsils are present at the back of the throat. Two large tonsils on each side can catch food particles when we eat. This food debris can accumulate bacteria and give a bad smell. This mixture of bacteria and food debris can become solid to form tonsil stones. Can Tonsil Stones go away on their own? Tonsil stones form due to food particle and bacteria. You can prevent stone formation by regularly rinsing mouth after every meal, good oral hygiene and dental care. Gargling with salt water and gentle use of bud to deliver the stones can help in some cases. Soft water floss can help keep tonsil surface clean. If you have, post nasal drip due to sinusitis, seeking treatment advice from ENT surgeon can help. You should not use sharp objects to clean tonsil stones or make tonsil surface bleed. What symptoms do tonsil stones cause? Tonsil ston

Cholesteatoma Ear Surgery

What is a Cholesteatoma? The ear has three parts outer ear (ear lobe and ear canal), the middle ear ( eardrum and bones of hearing) and inner ear. Cholesteatoma is skin from ear canal migrating into the middle ear. Like the skin on head keeps shedding and can cause dandruff. Similarly, skin in the middle ear can cause cholesteatoma, which can form a gradually expanding sac and can damage structures in the middle ear to give deafness, inner ear to give permanent deafness, nerve to the face to give a facial weakness or rarely give infection of the lining of the brain to cause meningitis Is cholesteatoma surgery or mastoidectomy done under general anaesthetic? Cholesteatoma is a surgical problem. Unfortunately, no medications work on it. Cholesteatoma surgery is called mastoidectomy, i.e. clearing cholesteatoma infection from the mastoid bone (the hard bone behind your ear). The procedure is done under general, i.e. you will be sleeping while the procedure is don