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Showing posts from March, 2023

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Is a Cholesteatoma Life-Threatening?

 A cholesteatoma can be dangerous to your health if left untreated. This abnormal skin growth behind the eardrum can lead to serious complications by damaging crucial structures in the ear. Here’s what you need to know:   Potential Complications:   Facial Nerve Damage: This can lead to facial palsy. Hearing Bones Damage: This may cause deafness and tinnitus. Balance System Damage: This can result in dizziness or total loss of balance and hearing in that ear (known as a dead ear). Brain Risks: The bony barrier between the ear and brain can wear away, increasing the risk of severe infections. Infection Risks: Mastoiditis: Infection spreading into the mastoid bone. Brain Abscess or Meningitis: Infections spreading into the brain. Blood Vessel Blockage: Infection in the mastoid bone can block the main blood vessel, draining blood from the brain. Treatment:   Surgical Removal: Nearly always recommended to prevent these dangerous complications. If you suspect you

Sleep apnoea in children is no laughing matter.

  What are the signs of sleep apnoea in children?   Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects both adults and children. In children, the signs of sleep apnea can be different from those in adults. Here are some signs of sleep apnea in children:   Snoring: Loud, persistent snoring is the most common sign of sleep apnea in children.   Pauses in breathing: Children with sleep apnea may stop breathing for a few seconds during sleep, and then gasp or snort to catch their breath.   Restless sleep: Children with sleep apnea may toss and turn in bed and may sleep in unusual positions.   Daytime sleepiness: Children with sleep apnea may be excessively sleepy during the day, have trouble staying awake in class, or have difficulty concentrating.   Bedwetting: Children with sleep apnea may wet the bed even after they have been potty-trained.   Behavioral problems: Sleep apnea in children can cause irritability, aggression, and other behavioral problems.   Develop

Sinus congestion can be frustrating

Sinus congestion can be uncomfortable and frustrating. Fortunately, there are several ways to clear sinuses, depending on the cause and severity of the congestion. Here are some methods that you can try:   Steam Inhalation: Steam inhalation is a great way to clear your sinuses. You can do this by boiling water and pouring it into a bowl. Add a few drops of essential oil such as eucalyptus or peppermint. Lean over the bowl and inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes. The steam helps to loosen mucus and relieve congestion. Be cautious while inhaling steam as the water can be hot and may cause burns.   Nasal Irrigation: Nasal irrigation is another method to clear sinuses. It involves using a neti pot or nasal bulb to flush out the nasal passages with saline solution. The saline solution helps to thin out mucus, making it easier to clear. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the nasal passages.   Warm Compress: Placing a warm compress over your sinuses can also help to reduc